Report | Corporate Monopoly and the Decline of America’s Vaccine Industry


Open Markets Institute’s report, “Corporate Monopoly and the Decline of America’s Vaccine Industry,” lays out what the Biden administration should do to repair the U.S. vaccine system and defeat the next pandemic.

Scientists have been racing since January to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, but even if, and when, the FDA approves a vaccine or multiple vaccines, the public health crisis won’t be over. We’ll still have to figure out how to produce the vaccine or vaccines in adequate volume, including the production of vials and syringes needed to administer hundreds of millions of doses. And we will still face the challenge of determining exactly how to price and distribute the vaccine to ensure that all U.S. residents are immunized as swiftly as possible.

This report details how we must rebuild our public vaccine system not only to ensure that it works better in the next crisis but so that it also averts the next crisis. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s highly monopolized vaccine industry was marked by rising prices combined with worsening shortages. But it is not too late to change course.

Download the report here or read the full report below.