Open Markets Applauds DOJ Crackdown on Colluding Landlords


Open Markets speaks out advocating for a lawsuit filed today by the Department of Justice and eight states to hold RealPage accountable for its part in the scheme of landlords are colluding to raise prices by using the software.

Affordable housing is a fundamental human right. But in city after city across the country, more and more people are finding it difficult to keep roofs over their heads as rental prices for apartments have skyrocketed. One reason rents are increasing is because landlords are colluding to raise prices by using software developed by RealPage. We at Open Markets Institute applaud the lawsuit filed today by the Department of Justice and eight states to hold RealPage accountable for its part in the scheme. This lawsuit joins those previously filed by the Attorneys General for the District of Columbia and Arizona.

Open Markets has been a leader in efforts to understand and condemn algorithmic collusion, not just in the housing market but in other areas including agriculture. This lawsuit is a signal to businesses that they cannot hide behind algorithms or AI when colluding with rivals. Price fixing is price fixing regardless of the tools used.