Freedom from Facebook's Complaint to the FTC


On September 28, 2018, Facebook, Inc. announced that 50 million users had been compromised in a massive data breach that put their entire accounts in the hands of unknown rogue actors. An additional 40 million users also had their accounts reset due to uncertainty about the scope of the breach.

While Facebook, Inc. has released few details about the attack, it is clear that virtually all the information users provided to Facebook, Inc. was potentially exposed, including personal biographical data, private messages, photographs (including those uploaded but not shared), and credit card numbers. Once inside Facebook’s security wall, the attackers stood in users’ shoes – with complete and total control over their profiles, accounts, and social media interactions.

On November 15, 2018, the Freedom from Facebook released the following complaint seeking investigation, enforcement, penalties, and other relief as appropriate against Facebook, Inc.

Read the full complaint here.


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