Giving Tuesday - 2021

When we started the Open Markets Institute the idea of fighting corporate concentration was far from popular— but years of effort are finally paying off.

This is a historic moment: The public is with us and lawmakers are listening to us. The country is ready to overhaul the economy using antitrust law and anti-monopoly policy, and we’re at the helm.

Help us rein in Big Tech, Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Crypto…
Big everything.

Just yesterday, The New Yorker published a glowing profile on former Open Markets Institute legal director, Lina Khan, who now heads one of the most important anti-monopoly government agencies: The FTC.

The piece illustrates the significance of Khan's appointment and the key role we’ve played at Open Markets in building the foundation for this paradigm shift towards promoting fair competition.

Join the anti-monopoly movement today.
Donate to Open Markets for #GivingTuesday!

To avoid conflicts of interest, Open Markets Institute does not take any corporate money. Instead, we rely on foundations and individual donors like you. Everything we do is thanks to your generosity and support.

Thank you for being a part of our team. Together we can tame corporate hegemony, establish fair competition, and protect workers and communities everywhere.

The Open Markets Staff


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