Virtual Book Tour | Liberty From All Masters


Barry C. Lynn’s new book, Liberty from All Masters, officially launches on September 29, 2020


Tour schedule:

Union League Club, Chicago
Zoom presentation with Luigi Zingales
Tuesday, 9/29 at 3 P.M. ET
Event info

Books & Books, Miami
Crowdcast event with Franklin Foer
Tuesday, 10/6 at 7 P.M. ET
Event info

OECD, Paris
Virtual keynote speech - Other key participants included Thomas Piketty, Andy Haldane, and Ken Rogoff
Friday, 10/9 at 6 A.M. ET
Event info

Politics & Prose, Washington DC
Virtual event with Lina Khan
Thursday, 10/15 at 5 P.M. ET
Event info

UChicago Booth Stigler Center
Virtual webinar with Cristina Caffarra, William C. Kovacic, and Jacob M. Schlesinger
Monday 10/19 at 1:00 P.M. ET, 12 P.M. CT
Event info

Commonwealth Club, San Francisco
Virtual conversation with Roger McNamee
Tuesday, 10/20 6:30 P.M. ET
Event info

Powell’s, Portland
Virtual event with Rana Foroohar
Wednesday, 10/21 8 P.M. ET
Event info

Harvard Bookstore, Cambridge
Virtual event with Zephyr Teachout
Monday, 11/9 7 P.M. ET


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