New Open Markets Financial Policy Director, Alexis Goldstein, to Testify Tomorrow on Systemic Risks of Cryptocurrency at House Subcommittee Hearing


Webcast of the Hearing Here

WASHINGTON – Alexis Goldstein, Open Markets Institute’s Director of Financial Policy, will testify Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. ET at the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing, “America on “FIRE”: Will the Crypto Frenzy Lead to Financial Independence and Early Retirement or Financial Ruin?

Goldstein, who recently joined the Open Markets team and previously worked as a programmer and business analyst on Wall Street, will discuss concerns about consumer and investor protections, growing concentration and centralization, lack of transparency, false and misleading advertising, the potential for shadow banking, and the overall systemic risks of the cryptocurrency market. She also recently authored a Markets Weekly piece on the new regulatory crackdowns on the crypto exchange Binance in the U.K. and Japan.

Read Goldstein’s full written testimony here.

Before and after the hearing, Goldstein will be available for interview to elaborate on the need for Congress to further examine the regulatory gaps in the cryptocurrency space and to take action to protect consumers, investors, and democracy at large. For interview requests, please contact

WHEN: Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 30, at 10:00 a.m. ET
WHAT: Hearing page: Here
: Hearing webcast: Here


Bio: Alexis Goldstein is the Financial Policy Director at Open Markets Institute, a financial regulatory expert, and former Wall Street professional. She previously worked on financial regulatory policy, climate finance, consumer and investor protection, and higher education for Americans for Financial Reform. Prior to working in advocacy, Goldstein spent seven years working on Wall Street as a programmer at Morgan Stanley in electronic trading, and as a business analyst at Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank in equity derivatives. She acted as a product manager for the trading and risk management software used by the global equity options flow trading desks. Goldstein has been published widely, including in The New York Times, is a frequent guest on cable news, including MSNBC, CNBC’s “Squawk Box”, CNN, and HBO’s Realtime with Bill Maher, and was featured in PBS Frontline’s “Money, Power, and Wall Street” documentary.


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