Open Markets Announces New Advisory Board to Help Guide Fight Against Monopoly


WASHINGTON — The Open Markets Institute is very proud to announce the creation of a new, 12-member academic advisory board to help guide and advise Open Markets’ research and policy work. These lawyers, economists, and advocates have all played leading roles in reshaping public debates on America’s monopoly crisis. The board includes some of the world’s top experts in digital monopolies, communications law, labor and employment law, and intellectual property law. We expect the board will work closely with other members of the Open Markets team, including OMI’s legal team of Sandeep Vaheesan and Sally Hubbard, and advisory board members.

The members of the new board are as follows:

José Azar is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Navarra and a Research Associate at IESE Business School. Azar is an economist specializing in antitrust and corporate governance.

Veena Dubal is an Associate Professor of Law at University College Hastings. Her research focuses on the intersection of law, technology, and precarious work.

Liza Lovdahl Gormsen is a Senior Research Fellow in Competition Law and Director of the Competition Law Forum. Gormsen is also a Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network, appointed by the UK Competition and Markets Authority. She is author of A Principled Approach to Abuse of Dominance (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

Amy Kapczynski is a Professor of Law at Yale Law School, Faculty Co-Director of the Global Health Justice Partnership, and Faculty Co-Director of the Collaboration for Research Integrity and Transparency. Her areas of research include information policy, intellectual property law, international law, and global health.

John Kwoka is the Neal F. Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Economics at Northeastern University. He teaches and conducts research in the areas of industrial organization, antitrust, and regulatory economics. He is the author of Mergers, Merger Control, and Remedies (MIT Press, 2015)

Frank Pasquale is the Piper & Marbury Professor of Law at the University of Maryland. He is an expert on the law of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and machine learning. Pasquale is author of The Black Box Society (Harvard University Press, 2015).

Sanjukta Paul is an Assistant Professor of Law at Wayne State University. Her current work lies at the intersection of antitrust and labor regulation. Paul’s upcoming book, Solidarity in the Shadow of Antitrust, will be published by Cambridge University Press.

Marc Rotenberg is President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, D.C. He teaches at Georgetown Law and frequently testifies before Congress on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues.

Maurice E. Stucke is the Douglas A. Blaze Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee. Stucke has worked extensively in private practice and as a prosecutor at the Department of Justice. He is co-author of the forthcoming Competition Overdose (HarperCollins 2020) and Big Data and Competition Policy (Oxford University Press 2016).

Gigi Sohn is a Distinguished Fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy and a Benton Senior Fellow and Public Advocate. For 30 years, Sohn has worked across the country to make broadband Internet access more ubiquitous, competitive, affordable, open, and protective of user privacy.

Olivier Sylvain is a Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law. He has written a variety of law review articles, symposium pieces, essays, policy papers, news articles, op-eds, and blog posts on current controversies in communications policy, online intermediary liability, privacy, and copyright.

Tommaso Valletti is Head of the Department of Economics & Public Policy at Imperial College London Business School. Valletti’s main research interests are in industrial economics, regulation, and telecommunications economics. He was the Chief Competition Economist of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Competition) between September 2016 and August 2019.



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