Open Markets Applauds President Biden’s Choice to Nominate Lina Khan for Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission


WASHINGTON – In response to the president’s announcement that he will nominate Professor Lina Khan to the Federal Trade Commission, Open Markets’ Executive Director Barry Lynn released the following statement:

“A generation hence, today will be remembered as one of the most important days in the fight to preserve and rebuild American democracy. President Biden demonstrated a true commitment to restoring the people’s control over the American political economy by nominating Lina Khan to serve on the FTC.

Lina has a unique and far-ranging understanding of the dangers posed by the concentration of private power, and of the tools Americans can use to fix the problem. Lina is also a deeply wise and ethical person able to work collaboratively and constructively with people from across the political spectrum. All of us here at Open Markets are extremely proud of Lina’s work and her dedication to the well-being of all the American people. President Biden has made many excellent decisions in staffing his new administration. His choice of Lina Khan to serve on the FTC is one of his very best.”

Lina Khan was the second employee hired at Open Markets Institute, working with us for seven years as a researcher, fellow, and ultimately legal director.



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