Open Markets Director of Enforcement Strategy Testifies on Regulating Digital Platforms


Washington, DC — This afternoon, Open Markets Director of Enforcement Strategy Sally Hubbard testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law.

Her written testimony in the hearing on “Open Platforms and Market Power, Part 1: The Free and Diverse Press” can be found here and is excerpted below. The livestream of the hearing is here.

“At the Open Markets Institute, we believe the American people have both a right and a duty to use government to ensure the independence and financial viability of both national and locally based news organizations. As a country, we have been here before. We have stood up to powerful tech monopolists. Each time, we were better for it. We unleashed new waves of innovation. We dispersed opportunity. We restored our markets and removed gatekeepers. But if we don’t act now to change the structure of our markets, titans will continue to control speech, journalism will continue to suffer, and so will our democracy.”

Read her full-length testimony here. Watch the livestream here.


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