Open Markets Joins Public Interest Groups Calling for House Hearings on T-Mobile/Sprint


On Wednesday, Open Markets joined a coalition of public interest, consumer, and labor organizations in sending a letter to the presumptive chairs of the next House Judiciary and Energy & Commerce Committees, calling on them to hold hearings on the pending merger between T-Mobile and Sprint.

The groups include the American Antitrust Institute, Common Cause, the Communications Workers of America, Public Knowledge, the Rural Wireless Association, and the Writers Guild of America West.

Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn said, "T-Mobile and Sprint would mean higher prices and worse service for wireless phone customers, in urban and especially in suburban and rural communities. This should be a slam dunk "no" for the DOJ. Congress also needs to step up and hold hearings to show Americans - and the DOJ - that this next Congress is serious about combatting the rise of corporate power."

Read the full letter here.


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