Sally Hubbard of Open Markets Institute Releases New Book, “Monopolies Suck: 7 Ways Big Corporations Rule Your Life and How to Take Back Control”

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The timely book is an urgent and witty manifesto on how monopolies make our lives harder every day — and how to stop them

WASHINGTON – Open Markets Institute is excited to announce that Sally Hubbard, our director of enforcement strategy, today released her first book, “Monopolies Suck: The 7 Ways Big Corporations Rule Your Life and How to Take Back Control”. 

The book’s release comes when a frank explanation has never been more necessary about how monopoly power harms everyday Americans. As the movement against monopolists hits an all-time high with Big Tech corporations such as Google facing groundbreaking federal action, Hubbard’s book is the easy-to-read guide that citizens need to quickly learn how monopolies underpin their daily struggles and what we can do to fight back.

Hubbard is a former antitrust enforcer for New York’s attorney general, has testified at multiple Congressional antitrust hearings and was cited throughout the House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee’s recent 450-page report on digital platforms. In the book, she provides a savvy and candid overview of how corporate concentration makes our lives harder — from jacking up prices for lifesaving medicines, to causing income to stagnate, to imperiling the American dream, to fueling inequality, and even weakening our food systems. Only by dismantling monopoly power can we begin to create real change.

Others already widely recognize the importance of this book:

“Sally Hubbard is a rare combination: a former antitrust enforcer who knows the law deeply and a sharp, pull-no-punches writer,” said Zephyr Teachout, author of Break ‘Em Up.

“The creative community is paying a steep price in monopolized America, with millions of artists struggling to make a living under rules that prioritize Big Tech profits. Sally Hubbard lays out the case for how we fight back — and why we must,” said Don Henley, musician, songwriter, producer, and founding member of The Eagles.

“In this important book, Sally Hubbard explains with winning clarity, concision and humor the many ways monopolies hurt us all — and what citizens can do to combat the hydra-headed menace of concentrated corporate power,” said Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America.

Order a copy of “Monopolies Suck” here.



Sally Hubbard’s testimony from the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust’s October hearing.


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