Speech by Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn at 5th UNl Global Union


Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn spoke at the 5th UNI Global Union on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 in Liverpool about "Unions and the Future World of Work." In his speech, Lynn spoke about the dangers that concentrated economic power poses to democracy and liberty everywhere, and encouraged Labor to wield antimonopoly law to take back our liberty from corporate powers. Below is an excerpt of that speech:

"We are not consumers, as they define us. We are not mere seekers of stuff, as they define us. We are not even merely workers, fighting merely for workers rights, as they define us.

We are Citizens, and we seek nothing more, nor less, than a Citizen’s Liberty. Liberty to think freely. To share equally in all rule. To own our own selves absolutely.

So know that our fight is also for Liberty. Use all the tools designed to make Liberty. Especially the laws forged to fight monopoly. And we will reconnect ourselves with all others who seek Liberty. All the others who now fight concentrated power. All our future allies."

Read the full speech here.

Image by patpitchaya via iStock.


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