Statement on the Biden Administration’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 30, 2023 

CONTACT: Ashley Woolheater, 

WASHINGTON – Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn released the following statement on the Biden Administration’s newly-announced executive order on artificial intelligence (AI).  

“Today’s White House Executive Order on AI is enormously important. It makes bluntly clear the variety and depth of the potential harms – to the health of individuals, the strength of our democracy and national security, and to the vibrancy of our economy. It also demonstrates that our government already has vast existing authority to address many of the most pressing threats. Yes, new law will help. But the EO shows how well previous generations of lawmakers equipped the U.S. government to ensure that new technologies work for all Americans, not just the few. 

“But we also must recognize that today’s EO is just a first step. Here at the Open Markets Institute, we look forward to working with the White House, enforcement agencies, and Congress to sharpen the focus on the dangers of first-degree discrimination in the delivery of essential information, news, and services. To truly protect our society against the dangers of AI, we must enforce existing laws that require monopoly gatekeeper corporations to treat every individual and company that depends on their services the same.” 

In the coming weeks, Open Markets will publish a new report on how we can ensure AI works for all of us. We will also hold an event on November 15 in Washington that brings together policymakers, technologists, and activists from the U.S. and the EU to discuss the promise and threats of large-scale AI and how we can address them. Open Markets Europe Director Max von Thun previewed both the report and the event in his piece in Tech Policy Press. 



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