The Corner Newsletter: June 18, 2021


Welcome to The Corner. In this issue, we discuss the appointment of Lina Khan as chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission and the release of five House antitrust bills aimed at taking down Big Tech.

To read previous editions of The Cornerclick here.

Lina Khan Appointed Chairwoman of the FTC

On Tuesday, the Senate confirmed Lina Khan to a seat on the Federal Trade Commission by a 69-28 vote. President Joe Biden then named Khan as chairwoman of the regulatory agency. Khan’s confirmation will give Democrats a 3-2 majority at the FTC. For all of us at Open Markets, this was very powerful and personal news. Lina is a close friend and a very important ally. She was also our longtime colleague, having worked for OMI as a writer and researcher from 2011 to 2014, and then as OMI’s legal director in 2017 and 2018. (See our statement on Lina’s confirmation).

After Lina’s appointment as chairwoman, we went back through our files to select some of her most important articles from her first three years at Open Markets. The articles — which range from close studies of federal regulation to pioneering investigations of Wall Street trading schemes to essays on the link between neoliberalism and inequality — demonstrate Lina’s wide range of interests and truly outstanding abilities as a reporter, writer, and thinker.

House of Representatives Launches Assault of Legislation Aimed at Taking Down Big Tech

Building on its landmark antitrust report last fall, the House antitrust subcommittee last Friday introduced five bills to make it easier for enforcement agencies to address the power of online platforms such as Google and Amazon. Each bill targets a different aspect of the structure and behavior of the largest online corporations, and, if enacted, will dramatically alter how people communicate and do business on the internet. All five bills were co-sponsored by Republicans, making this the first major antitrust legislation with bipartisan support since the 1970s. The five measures are:

The American Innovation and Choice Online Act proposed by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), who chairs the subcommittee, would prevent platforms from promoting their own products over those of other companies (whatthe Open Markets Institute calls self-preferencing”). The bill would prevent a platform from interfering with the pricing of goods and services it hosts and from restricting a user’s ability to uninstall pre-installed software.

The Platform Competition and Opportunity Act, proposed by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), would greatly restrict the ability of large platforms to acquire other companies, particularly those that present a nascent threat to an incumbent. The act specifically places the burden on the platform to show that the attempted acquisition does not harm competition.

The Ending Platform Monopolies Act, sponsored by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), would prevent a platform from being both a provider and a competitor on the platform it hosts and from conditioning access to the platform. Importantly, the act calls for the breakup of any corporation that violates this act.

The Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by Enabling Service Switching (ACCESS) Act, proposed by Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.), would require large platforms to create clear rules that allow users to transfer their data to an alternative platform and requires large platforms to be interoperable with other competitors.

Rep. Joe Neguse (D-Colo.) introduced The Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act. The act would appropriate more than $250 million and more than $450 million to the Department of Justice and the FTC, respectively, for antitrust enforcement. The act also significantly raises merger filing fees for mergers over $1 billion. Increased filing fees would attempt to deter mergers and would also provide the reviewing agencies desperately needed funding to expand their enforcement capabilities.

The Open Markets Institute released a statement applauding this momentous course of action by the House of Representatives. The full statement can be viewed here. The statement was mentioned in the Washington Post.


  • Last week, Google agreed to end some of its self-preferencing practices in the online advertising industry after being fined 220 million euros ($268 million) by the French Competition Authority and accused of abusing its market power. The watchdog agency found that Google illegally favored its own DFP advertising server for publishers when looking for platforms to sell ad space. The action was spurred by a complaint filed by publishers News Corp, Le Figaro, and Rossel. (CNBC)

  • Last week, the New York state Senate passed an antitrust bill that takes aim at companies with a dominant market position of 40% or more. The bill would remove barriers in proving that these companies abuse their market position and make it easier for plaintiffs to bring antitrust lawsuits against these companies. The bill also considers the “unilateral power to set wages” or noncompete clauses as part of its abuse of dominance standard. (The Wall Street Journal)

  • On Tuesday, the Competition and Markets Authority opened an investigation into the dominant market power in mobile operating systems, app stores, and web browsers held by Apple and Google. The CMA will assess whether the duopoly in these markets harm consumers by dictating how they can access a wide range of products and services in the mobile ecosystem. The CMA has argued that this duopoly has led to less innovation and increased prices for products and digital advertising. (CNN)

  • Last week, the CMA announced that it would open an investigation into Amazon’s data practices on its retail platform. The investigation will also focus on Amazon’s process in deciding which merchants are placed in its "buy box," an on-screen panel on the platform that allows customers an easier way to purchase products. (Reuters)


  • Open Markets released a statement calling on the U.S. Judicial Panel to deny Google’s attempt to impede the Texas AG multistate case. “Recognizing the urgency of the Texas AG multistate case against Google, Eastern District of Texas Judge Sean Jordan has moved the docket quickly and has denied Google’s motion to transfer the case. An eight-week trial is set for June 2023. Transferring the Texas AG multistate case would spell years of delay. America’s free press and democracy cannot afford such a wait. Google’s motion to transfer and consolidate the Texas AG multistate case must be denied.”

  • Sandeep Vaheesan wrote a piece in Democracy Journal about how Biden’s FTC can go after Google and Facebook’s unfair domination of advertising through surveillance. “Prohibiting surveillance advertising is critical to protecting our privacy, strengthening anti-discrimination laws, ending a business built on the dissemination of addictive and provocative content, and steering resources in socially beneficial directions.”

  • Daniel Hanley published a piece in Competition Policy Internationalabout how self-preferencing can violate Section 2 of the Sherman Act. “Self-preferencing occurs when a firm unfairly modifies its operations to privilege its own, another firm’s, or a set of firms’ products or services. Extensive domestic and international investigations have confirmed that dominant technology corporations, like Google and Facebook, use self-preferencing to acquire, maintain, and entrench their dominant market position.”

  • Claire Kelloway’s piece in Food & Power about cyberattacks and America’s concentrated beef industry was published in The Washington Monthly. “Just four corporations control more than 80 percent of all U.S. beef processing. Pandemic and cyber disruptions revealed how concentrated production can send shock waves when just a handful of closed plants take out a large chunk of meat processing capacity.”

  • The American Prospect republished Sandeep Vaheesan’s piece about how federal agencies can use their existing authority to neutralize corporate power. “Even without new legislation, the next president can limit corporate power with the awesome anti-monopoly authorities already vested in the DOJ, FTC, USDA, and other federal agencies.”

  • Claire Kelloway and Sandeep Vaheesan co-authored a piece in the LPE Project about how anti-monopoly is about democratizing the food system (and the rest of the economy). “The historical and present-day purpose of antimonopoly law and policy is to distribute power downward and build, in agriculture and elsewhere, an economy that is fair and democratic.”

  • Sally Hubbard was quoted in Politico speaking about the newly introduced House antitrust bills and the importance of their elimination of self-preferencing practices. “Policing discrimination can be like a game of Whac-A-Mole because there are so many levers these platforms can push,” said Hubbard, a former enforcer who now serves as director of enforcement strategy at the anti-monopoly advocacy group Open Markets. And she said if the proposals for tougher enforcement don’t work, you can “structurally remove those conflicts of interest as we’ve done in other industries.”

  • Johnny Ryan and his group, The Irish Council for Civil Liberties, were mentioned in Reuters for filing a privacy lawsuit against IAB Tech Lab for allegedly breaching EU privacy rules. "A retailer might use the data to single you out for a higher price online. A political group might micro target you with personalised disinformation," Johnny Ryan, ICCL senior fellow, said in a statement. Ryan was also mentioned in BBCAd Exchanger, and Infosecurity Group.

  • An Open Markets study about right-to-repair was mentioned in Tech Insider. As a 2020 study by the Open Markets Institute noted, “Monopolizing repair allows corporations to extract additional revenue during the lifespans of their products, but this profiteering comes at a larger social cost.”

  • Open Markets was mentioned in widespread coverage of former Open Markets Institute legal director Lina Khan’s confirmation as commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission. Coverage included CNBCAP NewsPBS News HourBloomberg LawYahooEconomistThe Wall Street JournalBarronsUS NewsLA TimesStar TribuneAJCABCMarketWatchGizmodo, and Dawn. Barry Lynn was quoted in The New York Times.

  • Open Markets’ chart about the four major U.S. meatpacking companies was cited in Bloomberg in a story about meat market concentration.

  • Open Markets’ amicus brief in the EpiPen case was cited in Snack Safelyin a piece about Sanofi’s appeal. “The brief explains that Mylan maintained its monopoly in the market for auto-epinephrine injectors using practices that the Sherman Act prohibits.” The brief was also mentioned in Medical Dialogues.


The number of patents held by Sonos Inc. that Google and Amazon infringe upon, according to the speaker company’s chief legal officer.


  • How Cheap Speech Underserves and Overheats Democracy” (UCDavis Law Review, Gregory P. Magarian): Magarian details how the democratization of speech derived from access to the internet and unregulated content moderation practices pose real threats to democracy. The author explains that Big Tech's control over the internet harms professional journalism and increases extremism.

Barry Lynn’s New Book:

Liberty From All Masters

The New American Autocracy vs. The Will of the People

St. Martins Press will publish Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn’s new book, Liberty From All Masters, on September 29. The book is Barry’s first since Cornered, in 2010. In it, he details how Google, Amazon, and Facebook developed the ability to manipulate the flow of news, information, and business in America, and are transforming this power into autocratic systems of control. Barry then details how Americans over the course of two centuries built a “System of Liberty,” and shows how we Americans can put this system to work again today. Purchase your copy here

Open Markets Employment Opportunities

You can find the full job listings here


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