Today in Monopoly - Tuesday, February 19th


Here are some stories we had our eye on today:

Facebook Targeted in Scathing Report by British Parliament

New York Times, Adam Satariano

After 18 months investigating Facebook and online misinformation, a British parliamentary committee issued a scathing report on Monday, accusing the company of breaking data privacy and competition laws and calling for new regulations to rein in the technology industry.


Trust-Busting as the Unsexy Answer to Google and Facebook

LA Review of Books, Gabriel Nicholas

A writer, researcher, and programmer reviews The Curse of Bigness and The Internet Trap.


Drug prices are killing diabetics. ‘Walmart insulin’ isn’t the solution.

Washington Post, Audrey Farley

Well-meaning calls to use cheap alternatives will make things worse.


New York Did Us All a Favor by Standing Up to Amazon

New York Times, David Leonhardt

Yes, Amazon’s departure will modestly hurt the city’s economy. But it’s also a victory against bad economic policy.


Google and Facebook’s Next Big Fight

Bloomberg, Lionel Laurent

The EU regulator nicknamed “Mr. GDPR” wants to go way beyond privacy and into antitrust. The linking of these two things should worry the tech giants.