Washington Free Beacon: Top Communications Union Joins Big-Budget Campaign Against Facebook


A progressive coalition of anti-monopoly groups seeking to break up Facebook just added the top U.S. communications union to its campaign.

Communications Workers of America (CWA) joined the Freedom From Facebook campaign calling on the Federal Trade Commission to split Facebook into smaller social media companies, Bloomberg reports. The campaign argues the FTC should take steps to break up Facebook and institute stronger privacy protections and facilitate cross-platform communication.

"We should all be deeply concerned by Facebook’s power over our lives and democracy," said Communications Workers of America researcher Brian Thorn. He also said Facebook’s "monopoly" should end or else it "would be unfair to the American people, our privacy, and our democracy."

The Freedom From Facebook campaign is composed of groups that include Open Markets Institute, Citizens Against Monopoly, MoveOn Civic Action, and SumofUs, which have ties to liberal billionaire George Soros. The Open Markets Institute funders include the Open Society Foundations, Soros’ philanthropic group to which he has donated billions of dollars.

Open Markets itself set up Citizens Against Monopoly after tech giant Google was accused of using its influence over the left-leaning New America Foundation to oust Barry Lynn as director of Open Markets, a program within the think tank that criticized the tech giant. Lynn said the group doesn’t receive any money from for-profit companies and confirmed the group receives money from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

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