The Washington Post - Haley walks back declaration that all social media users must be verified


The Washington Post quotes CJL Director Courtney Radsch in its coverage of Haley’s comments.

Courtney Radsch, director of the Center for Journalism and Liberty at the Open Markets Institute, a political economy think tank that advocates press freedom, warned that Haley’s proposal would only encourage giant tech companies to collect more data about their users.

“We want them to collect even more data and personally identifiable data on Americans? That doesn’t make any sense,” Radsch said.

On top of that, Radsch said, getting rid of anonymity for individual users would do little to solve other pressing issues posed by social media platforms with loosely enforced standards for disinformation and online harassment.

“Online harassment is not going to be solved by this,” Radsch said. “People are perfectly willing to be terrible to each other using their real names.”

Read full exchange here.

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