Google to Face Trial in the UK for Harming Publishers Via Its Control Over Online Advertising


WASHINGTON – Center for Journalism and Liberty at the Open Markets Institute Director Dr. Courtney Radsch released the following statement regarding the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal's decision that Google will face trial for using its monopoly control over the online advertising market to divert revenues from publishers.

"The UK, like the US, is moving to hold Google to account for its illegal monopoly over the AdTech market. This is a welcome move: it is long due to scrutinize the conflicts of interest in a market that Google exploits to its advantage, hurting publishers' revenues and degrading our information environment." 

The decision comes just months before the U.S. Department of Justice is scheduled to take Google to trial in the U.S. for its AdTech monopoly behavior – a trial Open Markets has described as "one of the most important antitrust cases in American history." Our Senior Reporter, Karina Montoya, is following that case closely. Read more here.

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