Posts tagged Courtney Radsch
Polish Public Television - CJL Director Courtney Radsch on Trump's Inauguration

CJL director Courtney Radsch conducted an interview with the Polish Public Television to emphasize the unprecedented levels that the connection between business and politics have reached through Elon Musk and his ties with the Trump Administration.

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Concurrences - The Google Search Decision

CJL director Courtney Radsch and senior reporter Karina Montoya co-author a piece alongside other antitrust experts examining the legal reasoning behind the U.S. District Court's ruling in United States v. Google LLC and the potential consequences for Google's business operations, and the broader implications for antitrust enforcement in the technology sector.

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Expert Brief - AI and Market Concentration

Europe director Max von Thun and CJL director Courtney Radsch along with EU Tech Policy Fellow Michelle Nie published an expert brief on how artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly monopolized by Big Tech firms due to high entry barriers and anticompetitive practices, posing risks to competition, privacy, security, innovation, and the environment. They prescribe a set of robust policy interventions to address the problems.

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The Center for Journalism & Liberty at Open Markets Weighs in on Closing Arguments in the Google Digital Advertising (AdTech) Monopoly Trial

Center for Journalism & Liberty (CJL) at the Open Markets Institute Director Dr. Courtney Radsch shared a statement in response to closing arguments today in the U.S. Department of Justice’s case against Google for monopolizing several technology products central to digital advertising.

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The Center for Journalism & Liberty at Open Markets Urges DOJ to Break Google’s Search Monopoly and Address AI Risks 

The Center for Journalism & Liberty (CJL) at the Open Markets Institute submitted a detailed letter to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division, advocating for decisive action to dismantle Google’s monopoly over online search and search text advertising.

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The Center at for Journalism and Liberty at Open Markets Welcomes the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Focus on Media Freedom and Monopoly  

CJL welcomes the launch of a new report on Big Tech and media freedom from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM), which connects press freedom with the monopolization of information systems and seeks structural solutions. CJL Director Dr. Courney Radsch coordinated and authored the report.

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