Posts in Clippings
Columbia Journalism Review - The tech titans appeared before Congress—now what?

Following a landmark congressional hearing against big tech companies, Columbia Journalism Review’s Mathew Ingam considers if, and how, competition regulations and antitrust law will adapt to digital networks. Among those interviewed include OMI’s legal director Sandeep Vaheesan. “[The legislative body] has been silent for so long on these questions,” he said. “It felt like a throwback to an earlier time when Congress took its oversight function and matters of market governance seriously.”

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Galley By CJR - Talking with Sandeep Vaheesan About Technology and Antitrust

In a Q&A between Columbia Journalism Review’s chief digital writer Mathew Ingram and OMI’s legal director Sandeep Vaheesan, the two discussed the impact of the congressional antitrust hearing while examining the admissions made by Big Tech CEOs, including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. “Amazon appears to be ‘tying’ logistics with visibility and prominence on its marketplace. This sort of tying is illegal when done by a firm with market power, which Amazon has in ecommerce,” Vaheesan said.

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The Hill - Five takeaways from Big Tech's blowout earnings

In the face of the pandemic’s devastating effect on the U.S. economy, the congressional antitrust investigation on Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook revealed the combined earnings of the big tech companies added $250 billion to their market value, The Hill reports. Barry Lynn, OMI’s executive director, is cited from his statement on taking heed of big tech’s predatory behaviors and effecting fundamental changes to their business models.

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Yahoo News - Google Faces Antitrust Investigation From Its Home State, California

SmarterAnalyst’s Ben Mahaney reports on how Alphabet Inc.’s Google faces an antritust investigation, launched by the State of California. The investigation joins the 50 states and territories on their scrutiny of the tech giant’s control on advertising and internet searches. “We applaud the 50 state attorney generals for taking this unprecedented stand against Big Tech by uniting to investigate Google’s destruction of competition in search and advertising,” said the Open Markets Institute.

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Yahoo News - Facebook on defense over ad boycott, but regulation remains the bigger threat

Sally Hubbard, OMI's director of enforcement strategy, told Yahoo News' senior political correspondent how Facebook’s use of algorithms favor post engagement — even if the post contains false information or inflammatory remarks. “The problem is that [Facebook’s algorithm] boosts the hateful content because that is what is most engaging and serves Facebook’s business model. I don’t think you can fix this problem by these little Band-Aids that Facebook has been offering,” she said.

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Foreign Policy - This Is What the Future of Globalization Will Look Like

Foreign Policy’s Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman report on the dangers of globalization of the marketplace, warning of systemic fragility and state exploitation. In a call to overhaul the manner in which the global economy operates, Farrell and Newman cite Barry Lynn, OMI’s executive director and founder, for his take on the remodeling of the antitrust.

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The Washington Post - Facebook struggles to keep violent 'boogaloo' content off its platform

Despite its implementation of new policies, Facebook grapples to maintain the spread of the “boogalo” movement on its platform, The Washington Post reports. The movement, known for its anti-government and anti-law enforcement stance, has continued to trickle into varying Facebook pages and groups, spreading misinformation about the protests as well as encouraging armed violence.

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Financial Post - How a Yale law student helped spark the anti-trust push against big tech

In the days leading up to the congressional antitrust investigation against big tech, Financial Post highlights the work of Lina Khan, a lawyer whose published article “Amazon’s Anti-trust Paradox” set a precedent for addressing new age monopolies in a digital world. With Khan’s rise to the House anti-trust subcommittee, OMI’s Executive Director Barry Lynn is cited for his past work with Khan on the anti-trust policy unit for New America.

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BBC News - Have we become too reliant on Big Tech firms?

Sandeep Vaheesan, OMI’s legal director, told BBC News’ Sooraj Shah about the inherent risks in acquisition deals, noting the nuances of an increasing reliance on big tech companies. "All of them will be in the M&A [mergers and acquisitions] game if they're not already. Start-ups are more likely to sell out during the pandemic when they might struggle to meet their obligations and the buyout looks especially attractive - the pandemic is speeding up the buyout date in some cases," says Vaheesan.

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PYMNTS - Google, Amazon And Other Top Tech Cos. Making M&A Deals Amid Pandemic

PYMNTS reports on how Tech Giants, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, have 19 M&A deals in process in spite of COVID-19’s effect on the economy. “These companies are already extraordinarily powerful, but they’re well-positioned to emerge as the biggest winners of COVID-19 unless some legislative action is taken,” said Sandeep Vaheesan, OMI’s legal director.

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