New paper reveals major escalations of Amazon’s invasive worker surveillance.
Read MoreThis research paper is an update to Open Markets’ 2020 report, “Eyes Everywhere: Amazon's Surveillance Infrastructure and Revitalizing Worker Power,” and details Amazon’s further attempts to amplify and widen employee monitoring into September 2021.
Read MoreCheck out our “Eyes Everywhere” two-part report series illustrating the dangers of Amazon’s worker surveillance, Amazon’s competitor and consumer surveillance, and the solutions available here→
Read MoreNew report enumerates a plethora of predatory, exclusionary, and unfair practices that Amazon implements to surveil its competitors and consumers.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute releases a sequel report on Amazon’s surveillance—This time documenting the scale and scope of Amazon’s consumer and competitor surveillance operations, their adverse impacts, and how to make Amazon stop.
Read MoreThe Open Markets Institute, along with 36 public advocacy organizations and six scholars, sent the Federal Trade Commission a letter today requesting a status update on their joint petition for rule-making to ban exclusionary contracts.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute is excited to announce that Sally Hubbard, our director of enforcement strategy, today released her first book, “Monopolies Suck: The 7 Ways Big Corporations Rule Your Life and How to Take Back Control”.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute applauds the groundbreaking U.S. v. Google complaint for taking strong antitrust action against Google, but notes that it only addresses a portion of Google’s monopolization.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute applauds Rep. David Cicilline and the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust’s report and recommendations based on its 17-month investigation of America’s largest tech companies: Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple.
Read MoreCongress implored to act swiftly to rein in Big Tech’s anti-competitive behavior and acquisitions at the October, 2020, House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee hearing.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute Legal Director, Sandeep Vaheesan, interviews Frank Pasquale about his forthcoming book, New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI on Law and Political Economy Project.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute’s report, “Eyes Everywhere: Amazon's Surveillance Infrastructure and Revitalizing Worker Power,” illustrates the dangers of Amazon’s pervasive worker surveillance and the solutions that can be employed to stop that surveillance.
Read MoreNew report details the dangers of Amazon’s pervasive worker surveillance and proposes solutions that stop surveillance and increase worker power.
Read MoreThe Open Markets Institute releases a statement urging the U.S. government to immediately take a series of actions in addition to forcing the sale of TikTok.
Read MoreNext TV’s John Eggerton reports on the Banning Microtargeted Political Ads Act, proposed by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), which will work to prohibit varying platforms, sites and ad networks from using data-driven political ads that include disinformation and/or misinformation.
Read MoreThe use of digital technology in health care has enormous promise, to be sure. But The Wall Street Journal’s coverage of Google’s Project Nightingale also revealed a potential dark side to the projects. Ascension, it noted, “also hopes to mine data to identify additional tests that could be necessary or other ways in which the system could generate more revenue from patients, documents show.”
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