Posts tagged Artificial intelligence
The Seattle Times - The value of journalism must be established in the AI era

CJL director Dr. Courtny Radsch wrote an opinion piece that lays out the problems and solutions of Big Tech’s latest AI technology being built to inherently exploit the intellectual property of journalists resulting in writer’s unemployment, revenue loss, and more.

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Expert Brief - A Framework for Establishing Journalism’s Value in Artificial Intelligence Systems

CJL Director Dr. Courtney Radsch constructs a brief providing the framework for protecting the content of journalists and publishers from exploitation by AI companies for the use of news for their large language models.

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CPI - Market Concentration in Cloud Services and its Impact on Investigative Journalism

CJL Director Courtney Radsch & Senior Reporter Karina Montoya delve into the infrastructural role of cloud in watchdog journalism to illustrate how market concentration in cloud services can exacerbate existing harms by dominant digital platforms on news media sustainability. They argue that the design of policies seeking to redress potential harms to competition in cloud services should consider its effects in public interest journalism.

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