Posts tagged Artificial intelligence
Open Markets Proposes Alternative to the OSTP's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan

The Open Markets Institute submits an alternative vision for the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s (OSTP) Development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan, one which fosters widespread innovation, rather than corporate concentration and control.

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Tech Policy Press - The Paris AI Action Summit: A Pivotal Moment to Reclaim AI from Big Tech

Europe director Max von Thun co-wrote a piece alongside fellow Michelle Nie discussing French AI Action Summit must address Big Tech's control over AI infrastructure and policy to ensure AI aligns with the public interest and independent regulation.

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Expert Brief - AI and Market Concentration

Europe director Max von Thun and CJL director Courtney Radsch along with EU Tech Policy Fellow Michelle Nie published an expert brief on how artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly monopolized by Big Tech firms due to high entry barriers and anticompetitive practices, posing risks to competition, privacy, security, innovation, and the environment. They prescribe a set of robust policy interventions to address the problems.

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Open Markets Urges European Commission to Investigate Nvidia’s Planned Acquisition of Run:ai

The Open Markets Institute, alongside eight partner organizations, has made a detailed submission to the European Commission, urging it to fully investigate U.S. chipmaker Nvidia’s planned acquisition of workload management startup Run:ai.

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CounterPunch - It’s Not Too Late to Stop the Monopolization of AI

Senior legal analyst Daniel Hanley and Europe director Max von Thun co-author an article warning that the monopolization of AI by a few powerful corporations threatens innovation and democracy, urging immediate action to regulate and democratize the technology for the public good.

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Washington Monthly - AI Needs Us More Than We Need It

In The Washington Monthly, Dr. Courtney C. Radsch argues that the survival of artificial intelligence hinges on high-quality, human-generated content and data, which means and that journalists, artists, content creators, and analysts, have more leverage to be fairly compensated for their work than they might realize. 

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Report | Stopping Big Tech from Becoming Big AI: A Roadmap for Using Competition Policy to Keep Artificial Intelligence Open for All

A report from Open Markets Institute and Mozilla lays out a roadmap for governments and regulators to take immediate steps to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) remains a competitive and innovative field, rather than being dominated by a few tech giants. 

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