Posts tagged Food & Agriculture
Open Markets Weights in on Final USDA Rule to Bring Greater Fairness to Poultry Farming and Unfair Practices Rule Withdrawal

Open Markets Institute food program manager Claire Kelloway comments on the USDA’s finalized rule against deceptive poultry payment tactics and withdrew a proposed rule easing access to justice for unfair treatment by meatpackers.

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Open Markets Institute Statement on OR, WA Preliminary Injunctions against Kroger-Albertsons Takeover

In response to a federal judge in Oregon granting the FTC’s request for a preliminary injunction against Kroger’s takeover of Albertsons and a state judge siding with the Washington Attorney General’s suit to block the deal, the Open Market Institute's Food Systems Program Manager Claire Kelloway issued a statement.

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Salon - Inside the “very, very guarded” agreements that dictate what’s sold in grocery stores — and the cost

Food program manager Claire Kelloway was quoted highlighting the utter dominance of large corporations in the highly concentrated food markets, like the mayonnaise industry arguing that without antitrust enforcements ensuring fair competition, it's unlikely that these monopolistic structures will diminishing allowing for market-sharing

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Open Markets Submits Comment to USDA on Strengthening Poultry Grower Payment Systems Rule

Open Markets Institute Food Program Manager Clare Kelloway led a comment submission to the USDA in support of the agency’s proposal to regulate unfair tournament payment systems under the “Poultry Grower Payment Systems and Capital Improvement Systems” rule.  

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Too Big to Feed: The Threats of Corporate Consolidation on the Food Supply

Open Markets and the producers behind Food, Inc. 2  hosted a roundtable discussion on how monopolies took over our food system and what policy makers can do to break them up. Upon requests, participants will received a link to view Food Inc. 2, which puts the issue of corporate consolidation in the spotlight. 

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Open Markets Co-Sponsors Food, Inc. 2 Premiere & Impact Campaign

Open Markets Institute has partnered with the media company Participant and partners, to cosponsor the Washington, DC premiere of the documentary film sequel, Food, Inc. 2, on April 9th, and an impact campaign to improve our food system by taking on corporate power and the harmful practices that power enables. 

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Report Reveals Big Ag's Plans to Use Carbon Markets, and Farmer Data to Tighten Stranglehold on Food System

Claire Kelloway, food program director , and Jason Davidson, senior food and agriculture campaigner at Friends of the Earth, collaborate in this policy brief revealing the reality farmers face in the midst of carbon markets and the presence of Big Ag.

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White Paper | Scrambled Eggs and Paralyzed Policy: Breaking Up Consummated Mergers and Dominant Firms

Open Markets Institute publishes a paper, “Scrambled Eggs and Paralyzed Policy: Breaking Up Consummated Mergers and Dominant Firms,” by the economists John Kwoka and Tommaso Valletti that looks at cases in which U.S. and European law enforcers required corporations to unwind completed mergers.

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Report | COVID-19 and the End of Laissez-Faire Globalization

In this report, “COVID-19 and the End of Laissez-Faire Globalization,” Open Markets Fellow Beth Baltzan asserts that production shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic can only be effectively solved by enacting policies such as enforceable labor standards and rules prohibiting anti-competitive behavior, thereby creating a marketplace that fosters fair competition.

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