Although Amazon has clocked staggering growth, it generates meager profits, choosing to price below-cost and expand widely instead. Through this strategy, the company has positioned itself at the center of e-commerce and now serves as essential infrastructure for a host of other businesses that depend upon it.
Read MorePresident-elect Trump’s recent deal to keep factory workers employed at Indiana-based Carrier Corporation has been a public relations blitz.
Read MoreThe president-elect may seem an unlikely trust-buster, but he’s indicated an openness to reviving America’s once-robust anti-monopoly apparatus.
Read MoreThere is an inherent conflict posed in the financing of policy ideas. On the one hand, money is required to assemble the data and narratives necessary to present policy options.
Read MoreThe proposed AT&T-Time Warner merger is a watershed moment for our political system. Will we continue to allow the further concentration of economic power at the top, or will this be the moment when democracy fights back?
Read MoreIn 1938, as the country sank into recession and national unemployment hit 19 percent, President Roosevelt announced that America had a monopoly problem. In a historic speech to Congress, Roosevelt warned that extreme consolidation was hampering the economy and threatening our democracy.
Read MoreCompared to the discourse in the other party’s nomination process, the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders over health-care reform may have seemed thoughtful and on point.
Read MoreFollowing its mammoth deal in China, the company has an even tighter grip on ride-sharing. It may be time for antitrust officials to step in.
Read MoreOpen Markets Food & Power reporter Leah Douglass published a story on CNN examining Bayer's announcement that it intends to buy Monsanto, the world's largest seed producer. The deal could have a profound -- and negative -- effect. In short, the $62 billion deal would further concentrate power in an already highly consolidated global seed and chemical industry.
Read MoreOne underexplored theme in the debate around economic inequality is the role of monopoly and oligopoly power. Despite the relative lack of attention to this topic, there is sound reason to believe that pervasive market power in the economy has contributed to the high level of economic inequality in the United States today.
Read MoreThe agency's antitrust policy isn’t up to the challenges of the 21st century. Here's how to fix it.
Read MoreLike many “flyover” cities, St. Louis’s decline is not mainly a story of deindustrialization, but of decisions in Washington that opened the door to predatory monopoly.
Read MoreOpen Markets Food & Power reporter Leah Douglass published a story on Fortune magazine on how over the past 10 years, America’s big meatpacking corporations have successfully pushed to overturn laws on the books protecting farmers from vertical integration and monopoly power in livestock farming and how Nebraska's "packer ban" is set to be overturned.
Read MoreExcess sugar intake is killing Americans. Open Markets Food & Power reporter Leah Douglass writes a review of Marion Nestle's "Soda Politics" on the Washington Monthly, a book which demonstrates that a few giant, consolidated beverage companies keep squashing reform efforts aimed at improving the health of consumers.
Read MoreRegional inequality is out of control. Here’s how to reverse it.
Read MoreAmerican business meets its new master
Read MoreBuried in Steven Brill’s convoluted tome are important truths about how to reform our health care delivery system.
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