Posts by Phil Longman
Washington Monthly - How Fighting Monopoly Can Save Journalism

Policy Director Phillip Longman publishes a featured piece largely based on a pivotal report published by Longman/Open Markets and the Center for Journalism & Liberty at Open Markets on how the breakdown of journalism's business model is not the result of inherent features of the internet or of digital technology.

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Open Markets Promotes Health Care Reform to Lower Prices Without Raising Taxes or Ending Private Insurance

Open Markets Policy Director Phil Longman presented a groundbreaking plan to reform health care prices, in the cover story for the current issue of the Washington Monthly. Longman proposed a system that we’re calling Medicare Prices for All. The basic idea is simple: Have the federal government mandate that the prices Medicare pays for health care apply to all health care plans.

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Big Tech Is Spying on Your Wallet

Open Markets Editorial and Policy Director Phil Longman published a feature piece on the Washington Monthly explaining how corporations primary objective in collecting your personal data is to gouge you. He explains how today's big tech platforms are no different from historic network industries — railroads and the telegraph — and how considering price discrimination should be an important standard in the national privacy debate.

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