Posts tagged August 2018
The Corner Newsletter, August 23, 2018: Why the Paramount Consent Decrees Matter —Tech Giants Threaten Banking — An Overlooked Dissent at the FTC

Welcome to The Corner. In this issue, we argue that the Department of Justice should continue to prevent movie studios from buying theater chains. We also examine the potential harms of Facebook and other tech giants getting into the banking business, or simply into your bank account. And we look at why a lone dissent in an obscure FTC case is much more than it may first appear.

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The Corner Newsletter, August 9, 2018: Sen. Warner and the "U" Word — New York Slams Brakes on Uber — Concentration, Consolidation, and Canada

This week, we highlight Sen. Mark Warner's surprisingly tough proposal to regulate Google and other platform monopolists. We also look at how New York City turned to simple 20th century policies to fix its Uber problems. Finally, we point out how consolidation in Canada drives inequality.

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Tom Carper: Senator DowDuPont

In his Forbes debut, Open Markets fellow Austin Frerick wrote that Senator Tom Carper's conflicts of interest may explain why he did little to oppose a merger that is bad for Delaware. DuPont merged with the Dow Chemical Company to create DowDuPont, the world's largest chemical company in terms of sales. This merger occurred amid a massive wave of consolidation in the agricultural sector.

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