Open Markets’ policy director Phillip Longman testified before the House Veterans Affairs Committee detailing the vital role the 1,700 hospitals, clinics, and other health care facilities run by the Department of Veterans Affairs play in preserving competition in increasingly monopolized medical markets.
Read MoreIn a piece in Washington Monthly, Phil Longman of Open Markets Institute highlights how monopoly power in health care compromises public health and threatens democracy in reviewing Brian Alexander’s new book, “The Hospital”.
Read MoreIn a Washington Monthly piece co-authored with Eric Cortellessa, Philip Longman of Open Markets Institute urges Congress to address disinformation by enforcing policies that protect our free and competitive media markets.
Read MorePolicy director Phillip Longman contributes this piece in a series on how to rescue and revitalize journalism.
Read MoreTune in to part two of our two-part panel series focused on how concentration in the American hospital sector is creating a crisis in care quality.
Read MoreListen to part one of our two-part panel series about the Washington Monthly’s “Best Hospitals for America” ranking, which measures individual hospitals on how well they save lives, save money, and serve everyone – especially low-income and minority populations within their communities.
Read MoreOpen Markets Policy Director Phil Longman presented a groundbreaking plan to reform health care prices, in the cover story for the current issue of the Washington Monthly. Longman proposed a system that we’re calling Medicare Prices for All. The basic idea is simple: Have the federal government mandate that the prices Medicare pays for health care apply to all health care plans.
Read MoreOpen Markets Policy Director Phil Longman commented to the Miami Herald on hospital chains and insurers in South Florida and whether growing consolidation is good for patients. “Sometimes, through consolidation, you get real economies of scale: better coordination, integration of care,” Longman said. “But experience has shown that whatever cost savings result are generally not shared with consumers.”
Read MoreAxios reporter Sam Baker publishes an exclusive report on Open Markets' second volume of concentration data looking at consolidation in healthcare-related industry sectors. “America’s health care crisis is brought you by monopoly,” Open Markets policy director Phil Longman told Axios.
Read MoreOpen Markets Editorial and Policy Director Phil Longman published a feature piece on the Washington Monthly explaining how corporations primary objective in collecting your personal data is to gouge you. He explains how today's big tech platforms are no different from historic network industries — railroads and the telegraph — and how considering price discrimination should be an important standard in the national privacy debate.
Read MoreHow America’s anti-monopoly laws got turned against the little guy.
Read MorePhilip Longman published "Five Myths About VA Healthcare," which dispels misconceptions about the Veteran Administration's delivery of care.
Read MoreIn the Washington Monthly, Phil Longman explores how to solve the cost crisis simply by making Medicare prices universal.
Read MoreSome antitrust experts are skeptical of whether those benefits will be passed onto consumers. Phillip Longman, policy director at the Open Market Institute and a health policy lecturer at Johns Hopkins University, said the Aetna-CVS merger could create new problems along with the ones it solves.
Read MorePhil Longman published an article in Democracy Journal about the need for antitrust enforcement to curb consolidation in the healthcare sector.
Read MorePhil Longman reports in the Washington Monthly about how the real healthcare crisis involves monopolies.
Ten old/new ideas to give power back to the people.
Read MoreCompared to the discourse in the other party’s nomination process, the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders over health-care reform may have seemed thoughtful and on point.
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