CJL director Dr. Courtney Radsch’s was quoted urging lawmakers to take action against Google’s undemocratic threats to shut off news access in California in the midst of an election year.
Read MoreCJL director Dr. Courtney Radsch’s was quoted from an article written for CalMatters, in which she attributed declining journalism revenues to digital advertising monopolies.
Read MoreCJL director Dr. Courtney Radsch’s testimony before the Canadian parliament was cited in an article on the Journal Preservation Act introduced in Illinois.
Read MoreCJL Director Dr. Courtney Radsch discusses the EU’s recently published AI Act in efforts to resuscitate and instill legal and ethical standards for AI.
Read MoreCJL Director Dr. Courtney Radsch shines a light on the struggles journalism is facing as AI develops further.
Read MoreCJL Director Courtney Radsch & Senior Reporter Karina Montoya delve into the infrastructural role of cloud in watchdog journalism to illustrate how market concentration in cloud services can exacerbate existing harms by dominant digital platforms on news media sustainability. They argue that the design of policies seeking to redress potential harms to competition in cloud services should consider its effects in public interest journalism.
Read MoreCenter for Journalism and Liberty director Dr. Courtney Radsch was quoted in an article on preventing the spread of fake news.
Read MoreOn Monday, February 26th, the Center for Journalism and Liberty at the Open Markets Institute will host a webinar bringing together leading experts to discuss approaches to determining the value of news and the future of journalism in the digital age.
Read MoreThe Center for Journalism & Liberty at Open Markets submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law written testimony in response to the subcommittee’s January 10th hearing, “Oversight of AI: the Future of Journalism.”
Read MoreCJL Director Dr. Courtney Radsch highlights Big Tech’s celebrations for AI, and how it’s time to demand accountability for the harms tech has caused before they wreak further havoc.
Read MoreCJL Director Dr. Courtney Radsch discusses new legislation in California that may allow for newsroom advantages over Big Tech.
Read MoreCenter for Journalism and Liberty Director Courtney Radsch’s testimony before the Canadian Parliament Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage (CHPC) was quoted in an IT World Canada story.
Read MoreCenter for Journalism and Liberty at Open Markets Director Courtney Radsch is cited in the Times of San Diego for her testimony before the California Senate Judiciary Committee on ways to preserve journalism in the digital age.
Read MoreCJL Director Courtney Radsch testified at the California Senate Judiciary Committee’s “Information Hearing on Issues Facing Digital News”.
Read MoreOpen Markets Institute Executive Director Barry Lynn, Policy Director Phillip Longman, and Center for Journalism and Liberty at Open Markets Director Courtney Radsch released a joint statement regarding Joan Donovan’s complaint that Meta improperly used its influence at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government to shut down her research regarding Facebook’s business practices.
CJL Director Courtney Radsch testifies before the Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage (CHPC) regarding the ways in which Big Tech companies have used their outsized power in order to censor news, distort public information, and subvert government oversight.
Read MoreCJL Director Dr. Courtney Radsch highlights the internal developments of OpenAI and the confrontations between the firm and Microsoft’s poaching practices.
Read MoreOn November 15, Open Markets Institute and AI Now Institute convened leading experts from the United States and Europe for a wide-ranging discussion about the promise, threats, and regulatory challenges of large scale artificial intelligence (AI).
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