Posts tagged Europe
Open Markets' Letter to the French Competition Authority

Open Markets submitted a letter to the French Competition Authority advocating for updates to France's merger control thresholds to address concerns over "killer acquisitions" by dominant firms, especially in Big Tech and Big Pharma, emphasizing the need for a more robust and flexible regulatory framework.

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The Perfect Storm: A Time of Truth for Europe

Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn spoke in late January in Brussels at a conference titled A Perfect Storm: A Time of Truth for Europe, hosted by Cristina Caffarra and The Capitol Forum. Lynn spoke on a panel with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and FTC Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter, among others. Other speakers included economist Simon Johnson, who recently won the Nobel Prize, MEP Andreas Schwab, former German Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Sven Giegold, Ambassador Katherine Tai, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, FT Columnist Rana Foroohar, UK MP Chi Onwurah, MEP Alexandra Geese, and Marietje Schaake.

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Tech Policy Press - The Paris AI Action Summit: A Pivotal Moment to Reclaim AI from Big Tech

Europe director Max von Thun co-wrote a piece alongside fellow Michelle Nie discussing French AI Action Summit must address Big Tech's control over AI infrastructure and policy to ensure AI aligns with the public interest and independent regulation.

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Euractiv - Does the EU need to go further in competition policy for tech?

Open Markets Europe director Max Von Thun was interviewed on The Tech Brief” podcast, where he discussed how Europe can better approach competition policy and directed listeners to a recently published manifesto, which outlined how the European Union can put antimonopoly at the heart of its policy agenda. 

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Germany Takes Action to Break Apple’s Dominance

Open Markets Institute Europe Director Max von Thun released the following statement with regard to Apple’s designation as a “platform of paramount significance for competition” under Section 19a of the German Competition Act (GWB), and the approval by Germany’s federal cabinet of new powers for Germany’s competition regulator the Bundeskartellamt.

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Letter to European Commission Warns Against Over - Subsidizing Large, Dominant Corporations at the Expense of SMEs in Clean Energy Transition

Open Markets Institute Europe Director Max von Thun teams up with the Balanced Economy Project, and the European Digital SME Alliance sending an open letter to the EC on EU responses to U.S. investments in a clean energy transition.

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One of the Most Important Antitrust Cases in American History: Our Reaction to the DOJ’s Historic Suit Against Google

The Open Markets Institute executive director Barry Lynn released the following statement on the Department of Justice’s intent to bring suit against Google parent company, Alphabet, over its monopolization of digital advertising.

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Barry Lynn in the Washington Monthly: “Manufacturing and Liberty. As Biden strives to break China’s hold on the West, it’s time to relearn America’s no chokepoint strategy.”

The Open Markets Institute executive director Barry Lynn featured his piece in the Washington Monthly laying out the next steps for the United States on industrial policy, to liberate from shackles of corporate monopolization.

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